Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Just a quick post-op update.

Still awake. It's 2:22am.  I made a wish just now that I would go to sleep.



It didn't work.  I'm still awake.  BUT I did learn something new today!  I'm intolerant to V8 VFusion Lite juice right now.  It's like the newer version of V8 Splash I think.  It gave me diarrhea.  (I know that was tmi, but if I had to experience it then you do too :D

That was all.


Did they give you pain meds? My pain meds always knocked me out!!
Yeah, they gave me pain meds too! I haven't taken any of them because I really don't think I'm in pain, I'm just sore. If it gets any worse, I'll take them, but as for now, I'm holding off. They make me go to sleep right away as well lol

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