Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Dreaded....Exercise.

Ok, so I've decided to start trying to get in the habit of changing things before I go in for my surgery. Tonight I walked 2.25 miles. It took me about 50 min, so I'm definitely no where near 5k status like some of you guys.

I tried to jog for a small portion of the walk, but that didn't work very well either lol. I've never been able to jog, and I don't think I'll ever be able to jog. We'll see.

I drank water today! I've been wrestling with putting this out there for a while, but I haven't actually consistently drunk water for the last 4 years. lol maybe that's part of my weight problem? I just hate the taste of it. Ugh. Thinking about it now, I don't really think that's part of my weight problem because in middle school I'd drink half my weight in ounces of water per day and that didn't help me lose weight at all. Just one of the many diets that I've tried over the years.

oh well.

What I need:
1. A good sports bra
2. Better workout shoes
3. Do socks play a part in this? I dunno, but maybe I need more of those as well


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