Thursday, July 15, 2010


Yayyy! I don't know if you guys have been following my ordeal with my rude surgeon, but I'm completely DONE with working with him, and I have a new surgeon!

He is SO awesome!  I just got my EGD and psych eval today and I have a tentative surgery date scheduled for 4 Aug!!!  He wants to do the Roux en Y Gastric Bypass, and after having everything explained to me by him, I'm all for it as well!  I'm so ready!

The lady in the office just has to fax over paperwork to my insurance (Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal) and I'm good to go!  From what I've heard, the BCBS Federal program is a lot more accomadating than the regular BCBS.  Also, when I got my lapband in the first place, they approved me in about 24 hours, so I'm not really worried.  MAYBE I'll even get to have my surgery earlier than that!  That would be awesome, but if not, 4 Aug is really good for me as well.  :)

I'll keep you guys updated as usual :)


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